Hipster Fashion dolls – Print tees

#Selfie #Barbie #NewOutfit

Totally hair tote. “Who Says I’m Mainstream” Print shirt of vintage Barbie wearing accessory glasses.

Playing around in Gimp, getting frustrated with the new printer’s settings and finding a piece of iron on transfer paper led into this, print tees for Barbie and other fashion dolls!

Grumpy Cats in Space! Hipster Ghoulia.

I instantly fell in love with the quirky imaginery the moment I saw the first cats in space pictures, so obviously I wanted to design my own! All the prints you see here are mine, even though some may be heavily inspired by something seen before. I’m planning on “barbifying” more stuff, so keep watching.

Can’t pull off the look without ugly leggings, $6 coffee and oversized glasses

I am not 100% happy with the shirt pattern yet (and going with a simple tank or tee is just so… mainstream) so after I get that done, maybe designing a few more pictures, and maybe trying out other types of tranfer papers I’m ready to open up a small print shop (pun intended).
If you are interested, keep on following, do comment and if you have something special in mind, you can also contact me at etsy, twitter or tumblr. Oh wait I also have youtube.
Please bear in mind that I will not be making simple copies of existing prints (design theft is a theft!) so don’t even ask… I may however barbie-fy stuff, make fan art for prints (my personal view is that fan art is a form of pop art) and definately going to make some for my own dolls!

Fashion dolls, getting dressed in street fashion of today…

Some prototypes, light colored fabrics may work along white one, unfortunately using full print like cats in space makes the fabric a bit stiff to work on simple tee… Hmm, cats in space jacket might work 😛 I may try other types of iron on paper, if they’re any different, and printing on fabric and then sealing the ink in – but that will need a lot of research and testing yet to be made! I need to know the ink will stay in the fabric and not stain the doll, even if wet. And washable would be nice. This iron on transfer actually lasts quite well, if you care for it accordingly. I made myself an aston martin top some years ago, and actually the fabric went bad before the picture (it did develop a slight yellowing, but only slight cracking of the image). I washed it dozens of times, it was my favorite top! Well, in lukewarm water, I made tops for my siblings as well, and they went cracking after one wash when mom threw them in 60degrees wash… too hot. They still wore them tho, liked the unique muscle car prints so much 😀
Also, I’m not yet sure how much ink my new printer runs, what is the price of the iron on paper, fabric etc. so how much I’ll have to charge for prints is still to be counted for.
And if there even is any demand for things like this, I don’t know. I’m just making stuff I like to have…